Liquidity Position FY23
The sector continued to suffer from liquidity crunch, with discoms’ current liabilities (INR ~7.03 lakh Crore) exceeding their overall current assets and amounting to nearly twice the value of their current liquid assets (INR ~3.14 lakh Crore). The sector’s Adjusted Quick Ratio was ~0.45 in FY23.
Components of Adjusted Quick Ratio (INR '000 crores)
- Receivables > 3 months not considered as liquid assets.
- Includes short-term investments and other current assets.
- Includes payables to GenCos, TranCos, Fuel Costs, Railway Receipt Costs.
- Includes - (a) Short term loans (b) Interest accrued & due on loans (c) Current maturities of long term loans.
- Includes employee-related payables, O&M works, capital works, electricity duty/cess payable, other financial liabilities, and other current liabilities.
- Number rounded off to nearest whole number.